This is the demo game used as a tutorial to demonstrate how to use Squeleto game framework.

Arrow Keys for player movement, Space bar to interact.

aspects of Squeleto systems demonstrated:


- there is an audio event on the bookcase when interacting

- there is walking audio bound to the player and the npc while they walk

Interactions and Events:

- interactable objects are highlighted when the hero is in proximity and facing the object

- there are two map tiles with events, one in the bathroom at top and the bottom door of the kitchen

- the bathroom event demonstrates the dialog system and using choices

- the kitchen door (bottom) shows the change map event

- the npc also uses the dialog box, but also checks story flags to see if you have been to the bookcase first, so the dialog changes

- the bookcase plays a sound, a dialog event, and sets the story flag


Breakdown of tutorial demo here:

Squeleto Github:


The game repo is located at:

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