Note: works best in Fullscreen mode due to itch page scrolling

This is my playtesting demo for my Battle System

Instructions are in game.

Please, Please, Please leave comments for suggestions, bugs, ideas, critiques...

I will listen, and respond, Follow, or add to your collection, for updates!!!!!


Sound Effects are created using JSFX, and implemented via Excalibur's JSFX plugin

Magic animation is created using BDragon1727 free assets:

When implemented, background music is via a modified implementation of Autotracker by Vitling:


known issues:

- menu selection, if you cancel an action selection, key binding control does not resume

- sometimes key binding on selector doesn't engage enter button press

- player can walk off the tilemap...


version 1.04 - created fixed speed of Attack Meter, not randomly generated, per feedback

version 1.03 - fixed Cast menu navigation

version 1.0.2 - slowed down incantation per feedback

version 1.0.0 - initial build


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Solid battle system. The little DDR style minigame for casting spells was interesting and it makes me wonder if all of the QTEs in the game could be tied to the soundtrack in the future.


that’s a great suggestion!!!  Not sure how to do that but I will noodle on it a bit…. Thanks for playing!